From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more. - Luke 12:48 (NASB)
Much Given, Much Required
With blessings come responsibility, the Bible always links them together. The context of today’s passage is judgement. It is a parable that brings us face to face with God, to whom we must give account. The more we are blessed and know, the more accountable we will be. We are responsible for our opportunities, abilities, resources, and knowledge. Blessed to be a blessing!
Thank You Dr. Wes!
Today will be Dr. Wes Marshall’s last Sunday as our interim music minister. What an incredible blessing he has been to us! He has not only filled in, he has put his heart and soul into leading the choir, band, and congregation in worship. A simple “thank you” is inadequate, but very sincere. Blessings!
“The Ways of God” by Richard Blackaby - Wednesdays
This week we will look at chapter 3 – “God’s Ways are Holy.” Join us at 6:00 p.m. for study and prayer.
Thanks for a Great Start to Sunday Nights
We had a great response for the beginning of our spring Sunday evening schedule. Thanks so much to our cooks, Terry Martin and Kenneth Maul. Thanks also to Stephanie Moore and all who helped in the kitchen to make serving go smoothly, and to all our teachers and workers. Well done!
Spring Family Nights Continue This Evening!
Pizza for the kids and their families will be served at 5:15.
Regular schedule: 6:00 p.m. each Sunday:
- Team KID for preschool and elementary.
Team KID features Bible memory games and application of Bible truths, engaging missions’ videos and activities, and fun activity-based learning all while helping your kids grow to be more like Jesus.
- Youth Meeting (7-12 grade) with Dr. Jeremy Seely. Come, enjoy hanging out, ask questions, and learn about God’s plan for your life!
- Adults meet for a video study by pastor Matt Chandler entitled “The Overcomers” – A Bible Study on the book of Revelation.
In this eight-session series, pastor and author Matt Chandler will walk us through the book of Revelation to remind us of God’s fierce, conquering, commanding authority over all the earth.
Think About It… We need to realize that in all things our first duty and responsibility is to God Himself. - Harry Ironside