Update from Pastor Darrel

see january 26 Bulletin

And Jesus answered and said to them, “It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”– Luke 5:31-32 (NASB)

The Potential of Sinners 

Jesus came for sinners, like us! Today’s passage deals with the calling of Levi the tax collector. No one was more despised in the Hebrew community than a tax collector. They were lumped in as despicable people with thieves, adulterers, and prostitutes. Levi was saved and radically changed by Jesus. He would become known as Matthew, which means “gift of God.” Every sinner has great potential when Jesus comes calling, even us! 

Study “The Ways of God” With Us

Beginning Wednesday, February 5, we will begin a study of the book, “The Ways of God,” by Richard Blackaby. I will be teaching on one chapter each week and will have a summary handout available. You will not need to get the book or read it to learn the principles we will talk about. If you do want a book, I have six copies available for only $10.00 each. Either way, join us! 

Praise God for His Faithfulness in 2024

God has blessed CBC in so many ways, and we want to make sure He receives glory and praise! Last Wednesday in business meeting, we discovered some amazing reports from 2024. 

  • Our total budget giving for the year was $604,697.84! I knew that God’s people had been generous, but the final number was an incredible testament to your love for the Lord and His work through CBC. Thank you and praise the Lord! 
  • Karen Anthony reported that Celebrate Recovery had a total attendance of 863, with an average weekly attendance of 19. That is up from 789 and 16. They had three twelve step graduates – well done! They also saw two people come to faith in Christ and provided Christmas gifts for 17 families and 46 children. Great year! Thanks! 

This and many other ministries continue as we pray and give. God is good! 

Texans on Mission Report

Texans on Mission deployed two shower/laundry units as well as a tractor trailer load of supplies to Southern California. Additional volunteers are soon to follow. You may donate at texansonmission.org, or you may give through the church by designating your gift “Texans on Mission.”

Think About It… You will never glory in God till first of all God has killed your glorying in yourself.– C. H. Spurgeon

Righteousness never comes by faith in self, but by faith in God. – R. Alcorn