And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men.” When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him. – Luke 3:10-11 (NASB)
Trading Up
How do you trade up from the everyday, mundane life of a first century fisherman to becoming a follower of Christ and a fisher of men? They traded up from the dead letter to the living word, from fatigue to faith, and from shame to amazing grace. Then they left the mundane behind, boats and all, and followed Him. Time to trade up!
KBC Off to a Good Start
We had a great group of kids on Tuesday and an even better group of adult helpers. I am so thankful for God’s provision for this important program. Please pray for the two children who took the bold step to talk more to us about accepting Christ as their Savior!
Vision Team Meeting This Evening
Pray for our team as we follow up on ideas from our retreat awhile back. We should have a preliminary presentation ready for the church soon. We will be meeting in the fellowship hall at 6:00.
Church Council/Business Meeting This Wednesday
This will be our first meeting since November so we will get everyone caught up on reports and plans for February. See you at 6:00 Wednesday.
Get Connected With a Connect Group
If you are not currently part of one of our groups, let me encourage you to visit one and get plugged in. Beyond bible study, you will find fellowship, support, and encouragement.
Pray for Our Search Committees
We have been visiting with a possible Music/Discipleship minister and are still praying for a good candidate for Youth and Young families. Join me in praying that we will have God’s people here soon!
Believe, Belong, Become
Central Baptist Church exists to help people Believe in Christ as Savior, Belong to a loving church, and Become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Think About It… “The correct perspective is to see following Christ not only as the necessity it is, but as the fulfillment of the highest human possibilities and as life on the highest plane.” – Dallas Willard